
Cloud Data Protection Tops Forbes ‘Top 10 Hot Data Security and Privacy Technologies’ List
October 18, 2017

Cloud Data Protection Tops Forbes ‘Top 10 Hot Data Security and Privacy Technologies’ List

Drawing from the latest security research published by Forrester, Forbes contributor Gill Press put together a top 10 list of hot security and privacy technologies. The number one item on the list was cloud data protection (CDP), which Forrester plots in the “Growth” band of its latest data security and privacy TechRadar.

Press frames the fundamentals of CDP as:

Encrypting sensitive data before it goes to the cloud with the enterprise (not the cloud provider) maintaining the keys. Protects from unwelcomed government surveillance and helps remove some of the biggest impediments to cloud adoption—security, compliance, and privacy concerns.

Vaultive is a CDP innovator with extensive experience in this cloud security market segment. The mention in both the Forrester report and Forbes article validates CDP as a critical cloud security technology and Vaultive as a top vendor to consider.

Press listed CDP among other critical data security technologies that together can help organizations effectively safeguard data throughout an organization’s IT infrastructure. Gemalto and Thales eSecurity, two of Vaultive’s partners, were also included for their leadership in delivering tokenization, big data encryption, enterprise key management, and application-level encryption. Few organizations will be 100 percent cloud or 100 percent on-premises. So, it’s important to view CDP in the context of a holistic security strategy that spans from the data center to the cloud.

Press cited a key conclusion from the Forrester report in his article that summarizes why organizations need to explore new technologies and strategies as they move infrastructure and data to the cloud.

Perimeter-based approaches to security have become outdated. Security and privacy pros must take a datacentric approach to make certain that security travels with the data itself—not only to protect it from cybercriminals but also to ensure that privacy policies remain in effect.

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